Plötzlich war es geschehen. Der Sommer wurde durch den goldenen Herbst abgelöst und der Winter steht schon in den Startlöchern. Ich muss gestehen, dass ich ein absolutes Sommerkind bin und nichts mit den kalten Temperaturen anfangen kann. Ich liebe einfach die Sonne; und genau die besuchte uns zum Glück noch einmal vor einigen Wochen passend zum farbenfrohen Hochzeitsshooting im Orchideenhaus der Herrenhäuser Gärten. Eine traumhafte, tropische Location, wie im Urlaub und das hier bei uns in Hannover. Ein Tipp: man kann die Location auch für seine Hochzeitsfeier mieten.
Als Sonja Klein von Blumig heiraten mich fragte, ob ich mit meinen Produkten beim Shooting mitmachen möchte, habe ich nicht erahnen können, dass es noch viel mehr Spaß machen würde als gedacht. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem bekannten Hochzeitsblog Frieda Therés, hatten Sonja und die Fotografin Stephanie von Lichterstaub-Fotografie ein lebhaftes Hochzeitsshooting organisiert. Weiß-orange mit dunkelgrün und etwas gelb lauteten die farblichen Vorgaben. Ich sollte dann also mit einer Auswahl meiner Produkte für die süße Untermalung zu sorgen.
Nun ging es an die Arbeit. Es musste ein Plan her. Was braucht man überhaupt an Patisserie für eine Hochzeit? Torte check, Cupcakes check, auch Cake Pops dürfen nicht fehlen. Gerade wenn es sehr warm ist, laufen sie nicht Gefahr sich in der Wärme zu verflüssigen und sehen dazu auf dem Tisch auch noch unheimlich dekorativ aus. Und für alle, denen die normalen Cupcakes zu groß sind, gibt es mundus‘ Mini-Cupcakes.
Passend zum Farbmotto entschied ich mich für fruchtig frische Zitronen Cake Pops mit weißem und orangenen Kokosmantel.
Direkt an dieser Stelle schon einmal ein großes Dankeschön an Stephanie für das wunderbare Foto. Es ist eines meiner Lieblingsbilder ☺
Der Tisch war zudem mit fruchtigen Orangen Cupcakes mit einem Orangen Creamcheese-Topping gedeckt. Diese dekorierte ich mit einem halben Kumquat. Ganz schön niedlich diese Frucht.
Damit die großen Cupcakes sich nicht einsam fühlen, standen ganz in der Nähe unsere leckeren, süßen Mini-Cupcakes, gefüllt mit frischer Mango und einem leichten Mango Creamcheese-Topping. Dekoriert haben wir das Ganze noch mit Physalis.
Zum Schluss widmeten wir uns der einstöckigen Hochzeitstorte. Diese war innen gefüllt mit einer Pfirsich-Maracuja-Creme und außen bedeckt mit weißem Fondant. Für die bezaubernde Deko auf der Torte setzten wir die tollen Blumen von Sonja ein. Echte Blumen auf der Torte sind unserer Meinung nach ein „Muss“. Sie sehen selbstverständlich viel natürlicher aus, schmiegen sich geschmeidig an die Torte und sind vor allem passend abgestimmt zur restlichen Floristik.
Apropos Floristik – ihr müsst unbedingt den Blog von Sonja Klein besuchen, sie hat noch so viele weitere wunderschöne Fotos von der Hochzeitsfloristik an diesem Tag.
Nun war der Tisch gedeckt und es wurde Zeit, dass die Ehrengäste kamen.
Doch huch.. wer nascht denn da schon heimlich?
Ilaria de Pasquale, unsere wunderschöne Braut konnte es wohl nicht abwarten, auf ihren (Leih-)Bräutigam, Tim Finkeldey zu warten. Ilaria trug ein feines, sommerliches Kleid von Küss die Braut. Abgerundet wurde ihr Styling durch ein frisches Make-up von Make Up Society. Wenn ihr unser Model Tim bei mir auf den Bildern vermisst, schaut doch einfach auf dem Blog bei Stephanie vorbei. Dort seht ihr auch, wie unser galanter Bräutigam in seinem Club of Gents Anzug aussieht.
Wenn ihr noch mehr Details zum Shooting und noch weitere Hochzeitsinspirationen sucht, dann lohnt sich in jedem Fall ein Besuch auf der Seite von Frieda Therés.
Ich hoffe, wir konnten euch mit unseren Fotos bei dem derzeitigen Schmuddelwetter ein wenig Sonne zaubern. Wenn ihr Lust auf unsere exotischen Leckereien bekommen habt, dann könnt ihr diese gerne bei uns anfragen oder direkt bestellen.
Models: Ilaria de Pasquale, Tim Finkeldey
Blumen: Blumig heiraten
Brautkleid: Küss die Braut
Anzug: Club of Gents
Make Up: Make Up Society
Fotografie: Lichterstaub-Fotografie
Location: Orchideenhaus, Herrenhäuser Gärten
Liebe Grüße
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I generally dont have problems keeping contact or finding something to share with you. although, As someone else pointed out i tend to back down a bit in communications once i feel things are established. till weve met. the main reason for this i have spent weeks chatting to people only to them vanish or if we meet things dont click. So now i just wasted a lot of time. While i know dating is frustrating i want to try an minimize this to an extent. Second ive noticed the more you communicate the less incentive the other person has to meet you. Although having said all this when things change maybe it’s a potential sign of losing interest. Its very difficult to pinpoint. Sometimes you gotta ride things much to find out.
also when you text you lose that context. Two Xs ago she was a mother of 3 and worked in the health care industry 12 hour shifts. So i didnt want to feel like i was intruding or covering up. So i would distance my emails w her. One day she said oh this sounds Mon so your usual 2 day gap. Although i was on the telephone w her since we are both in our 40s so i could tell by her voice how she was coming off. This is when i told her i ddint know w your busy schedule if you wanted to communicate often. So we’ve got that squared away.
I dont think right now immature red flag. a lot more like a yellow flag. lousy be just more direct. I have a associate like this ( start OLDate) That is a lot like this an it took me a bit too get used to it. Although i did talk to her about being a lot more tactful. It something shes done anything about. When she is texting are usually you at work or are you at home? if you’re home i would kind of be annoyed to if someone did this. Although it would probably be too soon to say anything.
How long was the future relationship and how long has shes been single. Its for sure a possible red flag. I dated someone who was 6 mos out a 20 year plus romantic. I was very reluctant to date this woman when i found this out. She likely me that she was over it. She formerly filed for divorce about 2 1/2 years prior to use meeting. Then they got together again for a few months an she realized it was a huge mistake. this was her angle. but, Filing for divorce and actually have it official is two various things. The first 3 or 4 mos thins were ok but i could tell there have been signs that she wasnt over it or ready to date. When the divorce went through things got harder. I had to deal w her baggage from the beginning. i obtained “penalized” For things her hubby did. Or she would always compare. She started making excuses not to party. We dated approximately 14 mos before i broke things off. She admitted that she was not ready to date and we should always of done [url=]afroromance[/url] casual. Which is what i suggested right away. It was mess chasing someone who was emotionally unavailable.
People are going to disagree or down vote this but normally you are right. My last GF was decently charming. She oozed personality an it showed basically after 60 seconds of meeting her. I met her using OLD but it was currently by luck. She was a first timer and she had frankly had logged on to disable her OLD when i messaged her. I know not to ask this but i doubted it what she was doing on OLD. She asked me when we first met that lot of guys asked her the identical. I told her because normally lot of people on OLD generally have issues. so here was a sparkly, Younger,Fairly attractive an on first glance to good actually. So lot of guys first supposed is why is she using OLD whats wrong w her. having said that problems started arising fairly soon. While i wouldnt say she was crazy in that sense she was a bit immature, Had path, Bounced/moved around a whole lot, Tended to be in an instant impulsive but in a mostly bad or questionable way, A bit requiring at times. Her reason for using OLD may town she lived in was mostly middle age divorced dads ( Im middle age my own self) With a ton of kids.
in addition, I would say this she absolutely did NOT need international dating to meet guys. She tended to get noticed out IRL an was often broached even when i was with her an wasnt looking. As i said temperament wise she had in spades an sparkles surrounded her. Although she had other inherent issues i pointed out earlier. I wonder what most of these women at first glance are using OLD unless you will discover something inherently wrong w them maybe not mentally per say. Although issues or stuff taking place,being carried out. Then thats when they need to turn to OLD. Lot of times too busy or use that as an excuse to use OLD. Although then i wonder if they are that busy they can busy to actually date. Another reason is that they’ve too many standards and expectations so they have to turn to OLD. my previous GF to her i met on Craigslist. She was approaching middle age at the time but was relatively younger looking a pretty. apparently she was in that crazy an recently out of a abusive marriage ( Also abused during a driving trip) Category you noted earlier. She had tons of mental issues it lasted a bit over the year an i had to walk away. As far as my recent GF her bouncing around and spontaneous capricious behavior caught up to us. She would up aligning herself w a sketchy woman she met to be able to move in w her an now this lady is running her life which led to our eventual breakup. There is a ton of emotional stuff you will need to handle. You are likely destined to be in for a very tough ride! Also these women are likely to go back to their abusive Xs. You may also are looking at him as well because these type of guys dont like to them go easily either. Lot of these women tend to be forever have emotional and mental issues from the abusive relationship. Some do recover with proper therapy but the majority dont. Also if you are the first guy that dates them you’ve got to put up with the brunt of this. You also essentially tuning them up for the following guy. Thats if she recovers enough to possibly get into a decent enough courting.
E has a problem with what I’m doing, It feels like i’m being parented and wish to rebel.
Ha now you’re kind scaring me lol. She told me this ditto last week. She felt after i tried to stop her or in her words” tame her” She wished to do it more. however,nonetheless she told me that she needed someone to keep her more grounded. Then when i didnt care which could upset her to. So what i was presume to do here? One thing she would say is that i know myself but she never wished to expand on that. I think it meant that she would be getting into or have the prospect to get into more stuff i wasnt around.
Yea her modern families were fairly strict. She also visited some boarding school. Which i would maybe understand if she was in her 20s desperate to let go a bit. the truth that when we met she was turning 33. she will be 34. She also has a princess but she stays w her uncle. Kinda long message.
She moved in all directions. when we met 2 mos later she moved. Then 3 mos afterward she moved again. Then 6 7 mos later she gone again. She aligned herself w this questionable woman. It eventually led to our break-down late Nov/Early Dec. We still talk but if i can ever figure out whats wrong w her i inform you.
I think her been w her me bumped her down a notch. In some methods i kind of had a feeling thats what she wanted. She even told me many times if we werent together it would be worse. at the same time, It wasnt easy especially at first to i dunno contain her desires to do this. I wouldnt say im anti social but im not almost all social person. I can go to events an handle myself great. She was even surprised because she thought at first i was anti social. I just prefer not to at least normally lol.
She would say if i got her pregnant then she would retard. I just had serious doubts that she could contain this. Her sprakliness/bubbly was both a double edge sword. As she tended to attract attention sometimes unwanted an sometimes more “Party people young and old, Which meant more potential stuff for her to gain access to and headaches. I also think in all probability right i had asked her if this wildness would disappear she said shes not sure maybe or maybe not. Did you also maneuver around a bunch? It seems like w her previous stories shes told me shes never stayed in one place for more than 2 years.